I am kaitco

a writer's log

All Night Friday, April 1, 2011

Filed under: Dorienne,Writing — kaitco @ 11:59 pm
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by Sam Phillips ~ The Nonesuch Collection

I’ve just about had it with these April Fool’s Jokes. I’ve been conned into think multiple people were having babies who weren’t and, while Gmail Motion was amusing, it’s difficult to sift through the bogus stories to figure out if anyone is really telling the truth.

I started today in an amazingly excellent mood and told myself that first-job would not get me down, but it did anyway and all remnants of that excellent mood have been washed away, leaving only a bare trace of what used to be a good feeling.

Melodramatic posts aside, it’s the beginning of another month, so it’s time to add something else to these goals of mine. January was posting every day, February was writing every day, March was writing 250 words every day, but I want to do something else with April.

The focus has been highly on writing, as it rightly should be, but I’ve trained myself about writing to the point that it’s now been a full 60 days where I haven’t missed a night writing. I’m going to continue writing 250 words, but know myself well and know that if I keep upping the word counts, etc., I’ll just be setting up myself for the eventual failure. That said, despite no longer being in my great mood from this morning, I’m in the mindset that it’s time for a challenge.

For April 2011, I will do some sort of physical activity every day…and blog about it. I’m not sure I’ll be able to get in a specific exercise each night before midnight – some nights will be before, some after – but I’m due for a challenge and this seems right.

Whether it’s Kinect Zumba, DDR, or just free weights, I want to get some kind of workout done every night. A year ago, if I’d said the same thing, I’d know for certain that this was an April Fool’s Joke to myself, but now, after writing every day for sixty days straight, I know that this is something I can do.

I wrote just 266 words tonight (he had bought a new book for them.); I spent too much time playing with Firefox Home and FF4. I’m happy with my accomplishments though…however small they are.