I am kaitco

a writer's log

570 Friday, September 16, 2011

Filed under: Dorienne — kaitco @ 11:59 pm

I’ve not got much to say about today except that I’ve been considering the people I’ve got close to me whom I consider to be friends lately. The list is far shorter and far different than it was five years ago.

I’d heard it said that the older one became, the fewer friends there were to be found; I’m quickly seeing the truth to this. In the same way, I looked around my first apartment while my roommates and I watched Law and Order: SVU while studying and I thought, “Wow…these are my college roommates.” I find myself seeing of the people I work with and thinking, “Wow…these are my co-workers.” What’s odd in this is that I’d also heard that half of one’s shrinking circle of friends are actually just co-workers and again, the evidence of this is glaring.

I wrote 570 words today in her cheek, eyebrow, nose and lip and I suppose it’s just coincidence that I’m writing now about Damen about to embark on some new friendships at the same time I’m considering those of my own.