I am kaitco

a writer's log

30-Day 5K – Day Four Monday, June 4, 2012

Filed under: Dorienne — kaitco @ 11:55 pm
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Well, 3567 words (to shoo him on his way) is even further from my goal than yesterday, but I had a lot more original re-writing to do today than I’ve had all week and that certainly slowed me a bit.

I’ve not got much to say about today other than that I’ve been considering vanity a lot for the past two days. while I often acknowledge that my biggest fears are mediocrity, death’s obscurity and the zombie apocalypse, I find it fascinating that when faced with possibly losing what other people have often described as “pretty” features, I’m racked with a terror that I know at no other time. I can’t eat, I’m visibly stressed and I’m on the verge of tears until the moment passes.

Vanity is just…odd to me.


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